Our Story


Meet The Team


Becky Wofford-Waehner: Owner and creator of Phoenix Revolution Press. Experienced photographer, photo editor, jeweler and multi-media artist.

Miles Waehner: Creative assistant and laser cutting expert.

Elise Waehner: Web designer and videographer.

Mathew Waehner: Product photography specialist, catalogue designer and janitorial services.

How did we get here…


It all started on a warm Spring day in 1976...just kidding. Although arguably a lifetime of magick does go into my work.

I’m an eclectic/kitchen/green witch. Food and drinks are my favorite spells to brew. Potions, libations, stews, and brews. My husband and I grow most of the herbs we use in our household and infuse them into our food and drinks. A bay leaf in a stew isn’t merely a seasoning. A muddle of mint in a mojito adds more than just its crisp clean flavor. Herbs have magical and medicinal properties that we are imparting in all of our potions. We also add intention to our food, drinks, and candle making. Spells, intentions, manifesting, candle magick, divination, and so much more have been a part of my daily magical life for as long as I can remember and we recently decided to weave them more fully into our business.

I love locally sourced, handcrafted goods, herbs, and food in my personal life and practice and felt a strong pull to bring more of that to my community, whether on line or in a shop near you. We will have the online store open all year round and we are so happy to be in 55 stores across the US and 2 in Canada. Email PhoenixRevolutionPress@gmail.com to find a store near you. If there is a store that you think would be a great fit for us introduce us to the owner/buyer and if they place a wholesale order we will send you a magickal Thank You Gift.

What is this Witchcraft?


Magickal GIFTS FOR Magickal PEOPLE

Altar Tools, Barware, Home Decor, Herbs, and Witch Merch to fit your life.

How’s it made, grown and sourced?


Phoenix Revolution Press is about vision and craftsmanship. We design our house brand products and print them by hand. We round out our collection with a few goodies we can’t make ourselves. We’re also expanding our magical herb garden- look for locally grown herbs once the weather turns warm!

And last but not least… Who are we?


I’m Beck Waehner and I’ve always walked my own weird little path. I believe in faeries, I manifest the weirdest things in the weirdest ways since as far back as I can remember. I started making candles fourteen years ago and I’ve been using candles in my personal practice for just as long. I read the smoke from the match and the candle flame to see if my intentions are working. On the business side I studied commercial photography, printing, and graphic design in college. I went on to marry my college boyfriend (he lived next door. It was an easy win.) and have two spectacular and wildly different sons. I also studied landscape architecture and permaculture where I grew my love for connecting to the earth and our local resources. I’ve owned my other business where I photograph flowers and make a line of botanical gifts and jewelry for years and have been using those same skills to make magickal tools, altar cloths, and barware for myself and as gifts on the side. I’ve also been making my own candles and growing herbs and decided it’s time to expand all of this into a collection I could share with my community. So here we are. That is the the full revolution of the phoenix.

Feel free to email me at PhoenixRevolutionPress@gmail.com